1. Get started with chat.
Getting started with chat is the simplest way to get collogues together and start a collaboration. The chat feature allows you to name teams and ‘favorite’ a chat for quick access and reference.
2. Connect from anywhere, on any device.
The Microsoft Teams desktop and mobile apps are available for free. Simply download them to your preferred devices and enable collaboration from anywhere.
3. Aim for larger teams.
You are able to create larger teams and assign channels to specific topics, projects, departments, etc. It is recommended to have fewer, larger teams with multiple channels rather than many, small teams.
4. Customize channels.
Upload files to specific channels and pin files that are used frequently to make it simpler for collogues to find them.
5. Add apps to channels.
Utilize the ability to integrate apps and services, such as Word, PowerPoint, Excel with team chats and meetings. Make collaboration more accessible with everything in one place.
6. Integrate ‘need to know’ content.
Highlight important content like follow ups, best practices, goals to separate from chat conversations by using OneNote or the Wiki feature.
7. Highlight important resources.
The ability to pin key websites to track news, performance, or site monitoring gives team members quick access to important information within Teams.
8. Encourage secure email conversations.
Since attachments are automatically uploaded, it simplifies team co-authoring. You are able to forward email to a team channel and continue communicating in a threaded chat conversation.
9. Share content from other online services.
You have the ability to connect other online services like Bing News and Twitter to Microsoft Teams, forward rich content, and get notified of the team’s activity in a particular online service.
10. Encourage active channels by being personally active.
Be active in channels, encourage collaboration, and highlight posts for the whole team by using the ‘@’ feature within Teams chat.