CyberDuo regularly works with important healthcare providers in California, helping these organizations meet regulatory requirements and run their operations efficiently and effectively. IT security is a particular priority for these organizations, especially in a world in which cyber threats have become increasingly common.
A typical success story in this arena is a recent project in which CyberDuo worked with a large hospital in Los Angeles in order to achieve some important objectives regarding security and data protection.
For this hospital, managing security threats had become a growing challenge. The IT staff employed by the provider were working flat out, yet were being overwhelmed.
There was simply too much work to do – analyzing security gaps, taking necessary actions and anticipating potential trouble spots. As a result, the threat of patient data being compromised was a growing concern.
The team needed more security specialists, but these are scarce and hard to recruit. But even that would not fix all the problems. What they really needed was 24/7 monitoring of their systems. Unfortunately, this proved impossible to implement using internal resources.
As a result, the IT team was spending too much time managing security issues, and it became harder and harder to implement required actions. Managers were spending their time micro-managing day-to-day problems, instead of working on longer term planning and strategy.
These problems are exacerbated in today’s world, where many staff take devices home with them – exposing the systems to additional risks. This made endpoint protection a high priority.
Thankfully, the problem was solved by hiring CyberDuo to manage their IT security requirements. CyberDuo built a custom solution that dovetailed perfectly with their existing systems, and provided the high level of protection and security that was needed.
The system uses modern EDR systems to secure endpoints, providing greater protection than anti-virus systems can offer. Security was further enhanced with DNS protection and Windows patch monitoring.
But that’s not all. A CyberDuo team monitors the client’s endpoints 24 hours a day, seven days a week. This ensures that any incidents that do arise are dealt with promptly.
The new security system was implemented smoothly, and now offers a high level of protection to over 500 endpoints. CyberDuo provides daily monitoring combined with monthly reporting, so that problems are dealt with fast, and management is always ‘in the loop’ as necessary.
“We are delighted with the success of this project,” says a spokesperson for the hospital. “Now we are more confident that our patients’ data is secure, and that the risk of being compromised has been minimized. Working with CyberDuo has been a pleasure, and we expect our working partnership to continue. We definitely made the right decision choosing CyberDuo.”
The new arrangements have made a big difference. As well as being fully compliant with HIPAA regulations, the management team enjoys the peace of mind that comes with solid endpoint protection. The internal IT is able to focus on other performance matters, such as managing infrastructure.
By partnering with CyberDuo, this important healthcare provider is now well-positioned to deal with security and data management challenges- both today and in the future.