Migrating an Entertainment Company to SharePoint for Enhanced Collaboration and Security

Client Overview: Our client, a leading entertainment company, sought to improve their collaboration tools and enhance their security by migrating from Jira and Confluence to Microsoft SharePoint. They aimed to create a unified platform that integrates with Microsoft Teams and provides robust security features. CyberDuo, renowned for its expertise in IT migrations and managed services, was selected to lead this critical project.


Initial Consultation: We began with an in-depth consultation to understand the client’s current collaboration environment, business processes, and specific requirements for the migration. This phase was essential to tailor our strategy to their unique needs.

Detailed Assessment:

  1. Infrastructure Audit: Conducted a comprehensive audit of their existing Jira and Confluence setup, including an inventory of workflows, user roles, and integrations.
  2. Risk Analysis: Identified potential risks associated with the migration, such as data loss, workflow disruptions, and user adoption challenges, and developed mitigation strategies.
  3. Stakeholder Engagement: Engaged with key stakeholders to gather insights and ensure their concerns and expectations were addressed in the migration plan.

Migration Strategy:

  1. Phased Approach: Devised a phased migration strategy to minimize disruptions and ensure business continuity. This involved prioritizing critical workflows and data for the initial phases.
  2. Timeline and Milestones: Established a clear timeline with defined milestones to track progress and ensure timely completion.
  3. Resource Allocation: Allocated dedicated resources, including project managers, SharePoint specialists, and security experts, to oversee the migration process.


Platform Migration:

  1. Data Migration:
    • Backup Solutions: Implemented robust backup solutions to safeguard data integrity during the migration. This included both on-premises and cloud-based backups.
    • Azure Data Box: Leveraged Azure Data Box for transferring large volumes of data securely and efficiently to SharePoint.
  2. Workflow Re-Engineering:
    • Workflow Mapping: Mapped existing Jira and Confluence workflows to SharePoint equivalents, ensuring continuity and minimal disruption.
    • Custom Solutions: Developed custom SharePoint solutions to replicate and enhance existing functionalities, including task management, document collaboration, and project tracking.
  3. Testing and Validation:
    • Pilot Testing: Conducted pilot testing with a select group of users to validate the integrity and performance of the migrated workflows and data.
    • User Acceptance Testing (UAT): Carried out extensive UAT to ensure all functionalities met user expectations and business requirements.

Collaboration and Integration

Enhanced Collaboration Tools:

  1. SharePoint Integration:
    • Document Management: Set up SharePoint as a centralized document management system, allowing for seamless collaboration and version control.
    • Sites and Libraries: Created custom SharePoint sites and libraries tailored to different teams and projects within the company.
  2. Microsoft Teams Integration:
    • Teams Channels: Integrated SharePoint with Microsoft Teams, creating dedicated channels for projects and departments to facilitate communication and collaboration.
    • Real-Time Collaboration: Enabled real-time collaboration on documents directly within Teams, improving productivity and reducing the need for email exchanges.
  3. Training and Adoption:
    • User Training: Conducted comprehensive training sessions to familiarize users with SharePoint and Teams, ensuring smooth adoption and effective use.
    • Support Materials: Provided detailed support materials, including user guides, video tutorials, and FAQs to assist users during the transition.

Security Configuration

Enhanced Security Measures:

  1. Security Assessment:
    • Vulnerability Scan: Conducted a comprehensive security assessment to identify potential vulnerabilities and areas for improvement in the client’s IT environment.
    • Security Policies: Established security policies aligned with industry best practices and regulatory requirements.
  2. SharePoint Security:
    • Permissions Management: Configured granular permissions to control access to documents and sites, ensuring that only authorized users had access to sensitive information.
    • Data Encryption: Implemented data encryption both at rest and in transit to protect sensitive data from unauthorized access.
  3. Integrated Security Solutions:
    • Microsoft Information Protection: Deployed Microsoft Information Protection to classify and protect sensitive information across SharePoint and Teams.
    • Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA): Configured MFA to enhance security for user logins and sensitive operations.

Post-Migration Monitoring and Management

Ongoing Management and Support:

  1. 24/7 Monitoring:
    • SharePoint Monitoring: Provided continuous monitoring of the SharePoint environment using Microsoft 365 admin center and Azure Monitor to ensure optimal performance and quick issue resolution.
    • Automated Alerts: Set up automated alerts for critical metrics and incidents, enabling proactive management and swift response to potential issues.
  2. Regular Updates:
    • Patch Management: Managed regular updates and patches to maintain security and compliance, ensuring the client’s SharePoint environment remained up-to-date.
    • Performance Tuning: Conducted periodic performance reviews and tuning to ensure the cloud environment continued to meet the client’s evolving needs.
  3. Support Services:
    • 24/7 Support: Offered 24/7 support to address any issues or concerns, ensuring the client’s operations ran smoothly without interruption.
    • Training and Documentation: Provided ongoing training and documentation to the client’s IT team, empowering them to leverage SharePoint’s capabilities effectively.


Results Achieved:

  1. Improved Collaboration: The client experienced improved collaboration and communication, with seamless integration between SharePoint and Teams.
  2. Enhanced Security: Strengthened security posture with advanced protection measures, including MFA, data encryption, and Microsoft Information Protection.
  3. User Adoption: Achieved high user adoption rates through comprehensive training and support, ensuring a smooth transition and effective use of the new platform.
  4. Business Continuity: Ensured business continuity with minimal downtime during the migration process and ongoing support.

Client Testimonial: “CyberDuo’s expertise in SharePoint deployments and managed IT services has significantly improved our collaboration tools and security measures. The transition from Jira and Confluence to SharePoint was seamless, and our team is now more productive and connected than ever.” – IT Director, Entertainment Company


CyberDuo’s comprehensive approach to migrating the entertainment company’s platform from Jira and Confluence to Microsoft SharePoint ensured a smooth transition with enhanced collaboration tools, integrated Microsoft Teams functionality, and robust security measures. By fully managing their SharePoint environment, we enabled the client to focus on their core business activities while benefiting from a unified and secure IT infrastructure.