Network Security by CyberDuo for a B2B AR Content Platform


Company Profile:

  • Industry: Technology
  • Company Nature: A tech startup developing a B2B platform for brands to create augmented reality (AR) content for social platforms.


The startup faced a critical challenge in establishing a secure IT environment. As a small company, the Chief Product Officer had to manage multiple roles, including IT and engineering responsibilities. The primary challenge was to implement a robust security policy for their network that aligned with industry best practices, particularly important as they maintained a physical office presence.

Solution Implementation by CyberDuo

Service Provider Overview:

  • Initial Consultation: Discussion of needs and goals regarding network security.
  • Endpoint Security: Selection and rollout of endpoint security software to protect computers and devices used by the team.
  • On-Premises Network Security: Installation of hardware firewalls, network routers, and WiFi devices.
  • Advisory Role: Ongoing guidance on network security planning and implementation.

Selection Criteria:

  • CyberDuo was chosen for their ability to engage in a collaborative and informative manner. The selection was influenced by their expertise in offering scalable solutions that addressed both immediate needs and anticipated growth.

Results & Evaluation

Operational Impact:

  • CyberDuo equipped the startup with a security framework that adhered to best practices, suitable for their scale and budget.
  • The responsiveness and adaptability of CyberDuo were critical during the company’s transition phases, including an office downsizing due to COVID-19.

Project Management and Communication:

  • CyberDuo maintained transparent and consistent communication, ensuring they addressed any issues promptly.
  • The startup, despite being a smaller client, received attentive service, reflecting CyberDuo’s commitment to client satisfaction across scales.

Client Testimonial:

  • The startup valued CyberDuo’s consultative approach, which was pivotal in navigating the complexities of network security. They were particularly impressed with how CyberDuo communicated the trade-offs and necessities of different security measures.

Key Takeaways and Recommendations

Educational Insights:

  • Endpoint Security: Essential for protecting entry points of end-user devices such as desktops, laptops, and mobile devices from being exploited by malicious campaigns. CyberDuo’s choice of software was crucial in fortifying these vulnerabilities.
  • Hardware Firewalls: Serve as a barrier between networks, blocking unauthorized access while permitting outward communication. This was an integral part of securing the startup’s on-premises network.
  • Strategic Planning: Understanding the sequence of technology implementation (starting with endpoint security and moving towards comprehensive network protection) can significantly enhance the effectiveness of IT defenses.

Guidance for Future Clients:

  • It is beneficial for potential clients to clearly articulate their current operational scale and future growth aspirations when consulting with IT service providers. This enables a more tailored approach that can evolve alongside the business.

CyberDuo’s involvement has not only stabilized the IT framework of the startup but also prepared it for future scalability and complexities. This case study underscores the importance of a strategic partnership with IT specialists who can provide both immediate solutions and long-term security planning.